Jack’s Story | Tigers4Ever Giving wild tigers a wild future

Jack’s Story |  Tigers4Ever Giving wild tigers a wild future
Jack Tuber is a Seven year old NFT Artist with a passion for wild Tigers.  This is his profile picture on the Voice platform where jack sells his art works.
Jack Tuber is a Seven year old NFT Artist with a passion for wild Tigers

Jack is 7 years old. He loves to draw and animate. Jack loves to create hand drawn characters and bring them to life. He started using drawing books, and has now taken over the family iPad. Jack has become quite a young star in the world of NFT Art and is already making a difference in the world with 10% of his existing NFT sales at: https://www.voice.com/jacktuber being donated to St. Jude.

Jack also loves Tigers, he desperately wants them to have a wild future, so when he saw what the Grouchy Tigers Social Club was doing to help save wild tigers, he wanted to help too. Jack has created a series of Tiger NFTs and wants to sell these via Charity Auction to help Tigers4Ever provide permanent waterholes for wild tigers and other animals to use.

As it is Mother’s Day in the USA where Jack lives, he wanted his first Tiger NFT – “MommaTiger” to go to auction on this special day. 100% of the net proceeds of the sale of the “MommaTiger” NFT will be donated to Tigers4Ever’s waterhole project at: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/water-for-bandhavgarhs-tigers/. If you love wild tigers and NFT art but don’t have cryptocurrencies, don’t worry Jack has placed his Artwork on the https://www.voice.com/ blockchain where you can pay by credit card if you wish.

Jack is also environmentally aware which is why he has chosen to list on the carbon friendly Voice platform. You can find out more about how the Voice platform is aiming to be carbon neutral here: https://help.voice.com/en/articles/5535892-how-is-voice-carbon-neutral-even-though-it- uses-a-blockchain.

Check out (and bid if you like) Jack’s “MommaTiger” here: https://www.voice.com/creation/100000001225417. Keep an eye out too for the next in Jack’s NFT Tiger series, “PapaTiger” which is coming soon……

You can read more about the Tigers4Ever Waterhole project here: https://tigers4ever.org/waterholes/