Sacramento, CA free pet clinic for dogs, cats

Sacramento, CA free pet clinic for dogs, cats

British shorthair and Golden Retriever.

British shorthair and Golden Retriever.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

A free pet clinic is coming to Sacramento — and both dogs and cats are welcome.


Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter and the city of Sacramento’s Front Street Animal Shelter are teaming up for a single day of free services, including vaccinations, wellness exams and more, according to the county’s website. The event will be hosted at the Pannell Community Center on Sunday, April 23, near the community of Parkway Estates.


The county warned pet owners in an April Instagram post that the walk-up clinic, open to city and county residents only, will be very busy and animals will be serviced on a first-come, first-served basis. To avoid crowds, don’t show up as soon as the clinic opens.


“Consider staggering your arrival and coming at 10am, 10:30am, or 11am to actually wait in a shorter line!” Bradshaw Animal Shelter wrote on its social media pages.


Free services at Sacramento’s pet clinic


These are the following free services you’ll find at the clinic, according to the county’s website:


  • Vaccinations (DHPP for dogs, FVRCP for cats, rabies for dogs and cats)
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  • microchips and registration
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  • one-year license (must live in the county or city and your pet must not have been previously licensed before in the city or county)
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  • Basic wellness exam
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  • ID tags
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  • Pet food
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  • Pet supplies (while they last)
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    Dogs must be on a leash and both puppies and cats must be in carriers.


    There’s no pre-registration. Park your car at the community center and stand in line to wait your turn.


    Free pet clinic in Sacramento



    Address: Pannell Community Center – 2450 Meadowview Road, Sacramento


    Hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, April 23


    Animals won’t be accepted after 12:30 p.m., according to the county’s website.


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    this story was originally published April 5, 2023, 12:05 PM.

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    Profile Image of Brianna Taylor

    Brianna Taylor covers affordability on The Sacramento Bee’s service journalism desk as well as general news. Before joining The Bee in 2021, she reported in Missouri and Maryland. She grew up on the East Coast and is a graduate of Morgan State University.