Durham Dog Walks in the Sunshine!

Durham Dog Walks in the Sunshine!

Today’s sunny Springtime walk with lots of photographs…

Here at Hairy Dog Photography, Kasper the dog and I are always overjoyed when the first signs of Spring start to show on our local walks around Durham. The wild garlic coming through, blue skies and proper sunshine (!), the first splashes of green. grand!

We had Finlay the baby with us today too – he seemed to enjoy it as much as Kasper and I. The notion struck me to take my least used lens today – a 14mm Samyang fisheye (stupidly wide angled lens). It’s a lot of fun but sees very little use as it’s a bit, well, silly really. It’s good for the odd shot at a wedding and has even made the occasional appearance at a Hairy Dog photoshoot but for the most part, it’s sadly neglected.

Really enjoyed using it today – it’s obviously very limiting and pretty soft until it’s stopped down to f8 or thereabouts but it’s always interesting! The manual focus is a challenge too, especially with a fast moving dog…

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits

I think you’ll find this is a public footpath…

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits
First port of call – Mallygill Woods ( Jamie Emerson, Hairy Dog Photography ).

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits

This is what the 14mm Samyang lens looks like at f2.8. Not so good for bridal portraits 😀

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits
Moorhouse Woods dog walk, Durham, by Jamie Emerson

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits

I love what the Samyang lens does to the edges of the frame at f2.8.

jamie emerson, hairy dog ​​photography, pet photographer north east, durham dog photographer, newcastle pet portraits

Just checking he’s still there…

If you do want to book a dog portrait session, please feel free to call me (Jamie Emerson) on 07866127732, or just drop me an email on [email protected]

You can also visit my main Dog Photography Website and have a look around the galleries.

See you on the dog walk!